

Friday, November 8, 2013

Weeks go by so fast!

Every day feels long and relatively the same, but every week feels like only days.
I feel like I wrote all of you just 4 days ago.

If you've seen the picture of my teacher/investigator.... he said he would commit to baptism on December 14th if he could know it was true. He's already a member of the church but, it still feels super real and so awesome.

This week has been the hardest working week I've had here yet. I think it's because I understand better what I want to do here and I realize how much ground I still have to run before I'm the missionary I want to be.
I should have been studying those scripture masteries and those key doctrines relating to lessons in PMG. If I just generally knew what each lesson was and a key scripture to use for each, I'd be so ahead right now. Seriously, I need to get those scriptures down!!! and I just wish I had experience in the field cause I'm such a greeny.

Hey, by the way, thanks you guys for the things you've said to me, the love you've shared with me and the advice you've given to me. I'm grateful for your support with the things I need and the funds and everything! I hope you guys are feeling your blessings from the Lord and I can't wait to tell you about the people in Korea who will be blessed because you guys sent me out here!

You know, the things I've learned the most in here are actually kinda weird. Like the blessings of goals and scheduling. The blessings of a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Just how to be social in general, because a lot of people I'm forced to hang out with, I normally wouldn't hang out with. I'm a lot more social than I ever have been, to types of people who I never would have thought I'd be friends with.

Honestly, I don't think I'm going to ever be the same again. I've learned how to work so hard. I sometimes wish that I could go watch a movie or take a nap, perhaps play a video game or read a fictional book. Normally, those desires would work in me and I'd probably go turn on Netflix imagining a false truth that I'd actually get back to cleaning my room after just one show. Here not only is that option non-existing, but so is the desire. Doing absolutely nothing but stare at a screen for 2 and a half hours seems like such a huge waste of time! Oh my gosh! I could have learned 50 vocab in 2 and a half hours. I could have memorized a whole lot of Korean phrases on prayer or recognizing the Holy Ghost plus good scriptures to go with those lessons in such time like that. If you gave me 2 more hours to use in my day, you bet I'd use it, holy cow! I only have 2 years out in Korea to find people who could truly use God's help in their life. My mission concerns things of eternal importance, and there is nothing I could spend my time doing right now that would be worth more than serving this mission!
-- Elder Buckwalter
Oh oh oh oh oh Wait!!.....
Elder L. Tom Perry is coming to speak to the Missionaries here this Tuesday


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