

Friday, November 29, 2013

Anyanghashimnika / 안녕하십니까 November 22, 2013

On Nov 22, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Elder Wesley Buckwalter wrote:

This language is ridiculous, it's on and off... I feel like I got this sometimes and I also feel like it's not even a language, rather my teacher is just making sounds up to freak us out and play with us.

The temple is closing soon, so this'll be my last time at the provo temple, I think I'll be going to Seoul Temple once a month so.... the next time I'm going to be at the temple is in Korea!!!!!

I have to be honest, the mtc is starting to make me ancy. I know I still have a lot to work on, but I kinda want to just hit the streets you know, come on, let me at em'. I think it's like 23 days left.

So, some quick funny stories.

Sister Giles folks are vacationing in Hawaii without her.... and they sent her an authentic pineapple I guess to be funny, but it was actually super super super tasty, the sweetest fruit in the universe oh my gosh!  and it was really funny and messy and awesome!

Ummm. Elder Smith, has finally started understanding the prayers, so just before gym time... the coach guy with the whistle asks for a volunteer to pray and Smith always raises his hand. Umm... probably on purpose he prayed as follows:

Hananim Aboji,  하나님 아버지
Dear Father in Heaven
Um shik er zhu shyo so kamsaderimnida  음식을 주셔서 감사드립니다
We're thankful for this food
Um shik er  /  chuk bok hey zhu shi op so so   /   kamsaderimnida 
음식을  /  축복해 주시옵소서 /  감사드립니다
This food    /   please bless    / thank you   (this is not a complete sentence, but it's what he said)
Jesucerisido eh irumero Kidoderimnida Amen.
예수 그리스도 의 기도드립니다 아멘
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 

It's funny because, you can either thank god for things or ask him to bless things.... I'm not good enough to know how to say we're thankful for and please bless _blank_. But he said it.... it was so bad haha. and right before gym time haha.

When we start a hymn, whoever chooses the hymn says, "1 2 3, start!"
Well, Elder Flinders was starting the hymn and said, "hana, dul, set, ka jok! / 하나,들,샛, 가족!"
He was supposed to say Shi jak 시작 which means start but "ka jok 가족"  means family!

1...2...3........Start!  <---  He was supposed to say.
1....2.....3.... Family!  <---  What he said.


Anyway. My companion is really british. He played the oboe for a choir number the other day. He was really good. It was a short notice thing, he just went up and said, "I see that you have an oboe line on the music, Can I play that?" .... so the day of, he played it for a member of the seventy on the tuesday devotional. I was singing in the tenor section... I was supposed to be watching the conductor. Mtc choir is really fun and spiritual, I'm thankful for that.

Um, I love all you guys. I can't think of anything else to say but thanks for your prayers and your support in any form! I love letters, "dear elder". I love emails. I love treats! I'm especially grateful for all the funds supporting me out here.

The church is true, in Korea too, of all things, it's still true there. haha.
God loves you and I hope you see him blessing you, please give yourself to him so he can shape you to your full potential. I've tried my own way and I've tried his way.... and I got to say, his way works better....

See ya next week.

Elder Buckwalter

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