

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!! ... from the MTC

Thanksgiving in the MTC  Thursday, November 28, 2013

The dinner was really great! We had real potatoes! Pie, some weird yummy broccoli, delicious turkey and I loved their green beans. The only thing I didn't like was their yams.
There's a member of our district who is a little off on the holidays.... don't know why.... but it was weird sitting next to him as he grudgingly ate a bowl of cereal on Thanksgiving day. It was weirder having sister Pratt fast on Thanksgiving, what was up with that?

Ya, my first Thanksgiving away from home or family. It was powerful like unto all the thanksgivings, but not MY thanksgiving. I would've liked to go around the table being thankful, or drawing turkeys on the paper-cover of the table, or going to get a christmas tree, or playing games or watching movies or singing songs. Without those things, it was a bit sad. But the MTC people did the best they could do with us, and it was definitely a fun holiday anyways. 

We did a service project.... We made 350,000 meals for the church's humanitarian program. Their just like rice and oats that you can add water to and heat up... but for those in need of humanitarian food.... I'm sure it's a miracle and we all helped save lives!

We also watched a wonderful movie about the willy handcart company called Ephraim's Rescue. It's kind of like the mormony version of thanksgiving... the pioneers.

But the funniest thing we got to do... and I don't know if you'll be able to find a picture of it from Ellsworth or Smith or Bishop.... but the four of us.... okay... hold on....
So The president's wife held a primary program. Seriously. She had us sing "over the river and through the woods"... we did a lot of childrens songs and childrens games. I swear she must have been a primary leader before she was MTC president because she must have done this program before and we loved it.

We told the story of thanksgiving. She was the narrator, and whenever she mentioned a character in the story, whoever was playing that character had to run up to a microphone and say a phrase.

She gave us pieces of paper before the program started, while we were singing prelude songs, and when the time came, we all walked up to the stage to get dressed in our costumes and learn our lines.

The pilgrim men had those big hats and had honker guns, and whenever Sister nally said, "pilgrim men" in the story, the pilgrim men in their big hats (with buckles) walked up to the microphone and said, "bang bang bang!" as they honked their guns. It sounded like the honkers and dingers on sesame street. 'bang bang bang!" (honk honk honk) it was hilarious.
Their were indian men who said deeply, "big and braaave"
Indian woman who said, "shh shh shh"
Pilgrim woman who said, "mercy mee"
a Pilgrim minister who held up a bible and shouted, "Haaaaalelulia!"

And me, Bishop, Ellsworth and Smith were the turkeys that got hunted and shot by the honker pilgrim men.... Whenever she said "turkeys" in the story... we had to go up to the microphone in our funny glasses with a red balloon hanging off of our necks and a bunch of crazy feathers and go, "gobblegobblegobblegobble" as we flapped our elbows up and down.

... And we died and got eaten.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!! and the musical numbers today were a bit lax, because it was more of an activity instead of a devotional.... so the musical numbers were not hymns but one of our musical numbers were actually the Joseph and Technicolor dreamcoat medley! So a girl with a great voice went up as a narrator and sang a verse or two from all the scenes in Joseph and summed up a bit of the entire musical. She sang things like, "A pharo's story, go go go joseph, way way back many centuries ago, ect."  and we all singed along going, "ah-ah, any dre-e-eam, any dream, any dre-e-am" it was way fun!!! it made me miss you guys and cry a little bit but I had soooo much fun at the thanksgiving program! :D

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