

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I'm in Korea! and my p-days are Mondays for me (you're Sunday evening)!

So I'm in 화양 (hua yang) area, my church is right next to sejong dehakyo maybe you can google earth it. My companion's name is Elder Luker and he has 2 transfers left on his mission.

We had a Christmas Party and it was really really awesome! :D I barely understood anything but everyone is so talented in our ward.
It's weird, but when they call people up to do anything, first they have to answer some kind of riddle if they're going to be the one picked for the activity or if they get a treat. Everytime anyone is called to do something, they go up and try to answer the riddle and then they either sit down or do Kai Bai Bo (rock paper scissors) or something.

Some things that might be weird to some Americans:
-We sleep on Mats
-Our floor is heated, that's how we keep the house warm
-The shower is the bathroom. There's just a drain in the middle of the floor and you can take the shower head off and spray yourself off, hang it back up and turn it off. It's just hanging there right next to the toiliet
-It's the law to sort trash from foody trash and just trashy trash. If you put too much crumbs or stuff in the just trashy trash, you could get a fine.
-There's a costco here, so I actually still eat like half american food and half Korean food. But we eat plenty of Kimchi and rice and noodles and pepper paste! I love it, I even tried pigs-feet :P.... okay so I didn't like that
-It's like New York, tons and tons of people (all Koreans haha) just walking fast to the subway or in packs towards a bus or across the street. Sky scrapers and cars.
-The cars can just park and go wherever they can fit, they try to drive on the sidewalk alot. There's really no rules to driving, except watch out for people. It's kinda scary
-Everybody likes to try to speak the english they know to me. I proselyte to every single Korean man I can. We are careful with the Yoja (women) because we don't want to have a flirting image of our church. So any man anywhere, I might start a conversation like, "hello, merry Christmas" and they look a little surprised, grab my arm or something and try to say, "yes yes, merry christmas, wh-e-re are you fuh-rom?" then I start speaking Korean with them and they flip out even more, "you-re Korean is Very-well" they might say. Then I try to testify if they don't run away, and hand them a mormon card with my phone number, (the senior companion keeps the cell phone... we always pray they'll call us and ask to meet again).

My voice this past week has been sorta gone.
So pray that it will get back, cause I really miss my crisp tenor tone. Every morning I wake up and grab my pitch-pipe to see if it's getting any higher and back to normal. I was a bass five days ago, and now I'm back to baritone where I am sounding nearly normal. I wish for my tenor tone back, but to be honest I will miss the full bass sound I've been using. They asked the missionaries at church to sing a carol (musical number) and I got put on bass and I rocked it! :D haha. The lowest I was able to hit one morning was a low c with ledger lines below the bass cleff. It felt awesome, I am going to miss the low sound as I recover. I remember on the plane over, I was whispering to everybody, but the Lord is blessing me and now I can talk with substance, I'm glad he gave it back cause come on! I need to do the work you know.

Ya, even when it's cold, all day everyday we just got to keep smiling and keep saying "Anyanghasayo, merry christmas"

My companion is incredible. He is on top of the schedule, wakes up on time, studies on time... what a guy. He always has faith when he talks to people, it helps that we're both Utah, Americans. Honestly, they'd probably not talk to me if I was Korean... They adore Americans. If I send you a picture of Elder Luker, you ladies better be careful. He's a little taller than me, buff, blonde and skinny. He's kind of got a tiny lisp.... but he can speak everything clear and perfect. He is always positive and he's actually our district leader so when I pass off the first lesson I will do it with him. I'm blessed to be put with him, he gets me to work and makes me feel confident. I just need to have faith in my Korean ability and not let him talk the whole time when we proselyte. Sometimes I have to but in to get my testimony in because he's so good at Korean, I've set a goal with him for us to try to get me to talk more. I try so hard, but it's nice to have him when I don't understand and he can say it quick to me in English.


Other than him, there is Elder Demordaunt and Elder Waite who are our room-mates. We also have a set of sisters in our ward so our district is 6 missionaries big and we all go to one ward: the huayang ward. If we could get more baptisms and set up another ward, we could spread the missionaries out, but we only have enough for one ward in this huge area.

Oh, so I know Chinese right? And I was pretty surprised to find, but once a day I always run into a chinese person. Without fail, (except yesterday cause of church and we didn't proselyte very much) so every day I find a chinese man in Korea. And I speak to him a little in English and a little in Korean and he's cool and whatever.... but then I find out that he's from China! and I lay on him a quick Chinese line and he seriously flips out, his eyes are so big! :D 
Usually they will always give us their phone number saying that they want to meet us again if I can lay that one chinese line on them. It rocks. Although I think when I tried to meet one of these said Chinese men that I've done this too (I think I've done this like 3 times) but one of them didn't show up when we agreed to meet so that made me a little sad.

We also have officially taught a lesson (potential investigator) to a man named Najam and another man named Doba
Now you're right, they don't sound Korean, because they're not. Funny enough these two men are actually from Pakistan and Japan consecutively. We taught Najam (muslim) in English, and he's super hard because he doesn't really believe in Christ as our savior and won't pray... so we don't know what to do with him. Doba we taught in Korean.... and I understood a lot. It's funny how two foreigners speaking Korean, one from America, one from Japan, actually make Korean sound audible and understandable. I have an easier time hearing my companion's Korean than hearing a native Korean. My companion and Doba just sound clearer to me. Umm... we had a real spiritual lesson with Doba and he said we couldn't meet him again. He knows that we will want to bring him into our church and he says that he knows he won't do that so he would not want to meet with us again. I was really sad, because I really liked him and felt the spirit with him and could understand him! But I guess he wasn't ready for this gospel.... man seriously it bummed me out. I tried my best.... but I just have to get better at Korean and have faith that the Lord will testify strong through me. We'll get the next one.

We've also taught a brother Pak. I don't remember his first two names, Pak Hyung Suk my companion just said to me as I asked him now. He actually brought a friend which was awesome! we didn't expect that. So we taught him and his friend who's Surname is Lee (something something, again don't remember, Korean names are hard they all are so similar to me and all three syllables).
Anyway, we found out that he actually lives in the Daejon boundaries, so we gave him a book of mormon and referred him over there. He was nice, I hope he progresses with the other missionaries down there. :D
So ya, other than the occasional appointment here or there, it's all proselyting. Something we call 전도 (zhun do) - it means proselyte or just go out on the street without a said direction or whatever and just talk to everybody. Everybody. Everybody. "hello, merry Christmas, have you heard of our church" (jesu crisido huki seongdo kyohwey is our church in Korean)
We do that for hours and hours in the cold, thank you mom so much for the thermals... they without a doubt saved my life out here. We hand out cards with our number, sometimes we hand out a book of mormon. We try to get their phone number and we call them the next night and ask if we can meet them. They usually say no and then we just go out and do it again the next day.

That's my mission life. :D

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 13, 2013 - My Last MTC P-Day!!!!

Honestly, it's a little weird because they told us the majority of the people leaving the mtc get their ticket for either Monday or Tuesday, but mostly Monday. I'm district leader, and I went to get our notices from the mail, and my whole district is leaving Sunday morning. I swear it was like Christmas that day and I was Santa Claus. "Hey, Buckwalter, are they here yet? Have you checked the mail? where's our travel plans!? Hey Buckwalter!"
and I checked and I checked and finally they came and they said Sunday!!??
We report to the travel office with all our luggage at 2a.m.
We then ride a bus to the Salt Lake airport around 6
I lose my companion as he flies to Denver (haha sucker...)
I go strait to San Fransisco. (so basically half our district for some reason has to go to Denver and then to San Francisco  while I and a few others go strait to San Fransisco and have like 3 hours to chill and maybe get some pass-along-cards out)
After I see my companion again, and the rest of my district, we all get on a flight to Korea. I'll be in Korea like Monday morning I think... Remember time changes


My singing last week went great! We have pictures. We all had matching scarves and we sang a capella carols. There was legit Christmas food and staff and it was incredible. Jenny Oaks Baker was also there and accompanied us on a song. She was on the other side of the gym also entertaining. It was way way awesome! We made a lot of people happy and the shrimp was incredible.

Ya that's right, I sang with Jenny Oaks Baker.
anyway. (to some family who care anyway)

Umm, today was our last service project for the mtc. We clean a chapel early early in the morning every Friday. As we clean, there's always this weird old lady who wakes up early to practice on the organ. It's really strange and kind of funny. Every week, we're just cleaning out trash and toilets and she's just sitting in the dim-lit chapel playing quiet hymns. It's kind of awkward and awesome. So today, whether she knew it or not, we got a picture with her playing behind us. :) haha. It's super funny. I'm going to miss that Grandma.

I don't know, just all of us in gloves with our cleaners and this random lady playing hymns behind us.
super awesome! :D

So I love you all. I'm a bit nervous and scared. I just hope that I can use the spirit effectively and do some real work. gah! okay.

yep thank you all! :D
-Elder Buckwalter

December 6, 2013 - Hey Hey!

So, holy cow there is a lot to tell.

I'm district leader now. The Lord knows why, I don't know. But basically I have to get mail and conduct all our meetings and follow up on everybody's goals. If there are problems in our district, I either catch them or have them reported to me and then I send them to the branch president. I have a couple more meetings than I used to, yikes, but It makes me want to be a better example and work harder to be on time and to use all my time and to speak as much Korean as I can. It's more work but it's more blessings.

Tonight I'm singing in a cool caroling group for the staff of the MTC dinner party. I have a pitch-pipe and we're going to be all in matching scarfs (the 9 of us). I'm excited.

My companion and Elder Gehrig are on splits right now going to see the salt-lake temple. All internationals get to go see Salt-Lake. I'm on splits with Elder Flinders, he's on the computer next to me writing his family.

My companion got a Lego Star Wars advent Calendar from his family. Every morning we open a part of the box and build a speeder or a gungan with a spear or something. 

Um, we leave to Korea in 10 days. I feeling a lot of comfort in the language as I prepare to leave. I was working so hard, and now a lot of what I've learned is coming quickly to my head and it makes me happy. I know that the schedule is of God, and that it's time to hit the streets of Korea. If I stayed here, it wouldn't be as productive for my language and testimony as it could be if I just go to Korea. I'm sure I could still learn, but I've capped the rate at which I learn. Now I'm primed for the rate at which I will learn with the natives.

We were going to see M. Russel Ballard, but he got snowed in and couldn't speak to us, but I'm pretty sure we'll get someone Tuesday.

Ya and honestly, just love everyone. There's where I've found the most success. Being a leader and teaching every day is often a struggle. But If you do it with true sincere interest in the welfare of those you serve, it becomes easy and earns true respect. I love my friends and my teachers and every Korean I see. 

December 4 2013 - Surprise visit from Ambassador to the UN from Botswana

We had a surprise visit from his excellency, the Ambassador to the U.N. from Botswana. He just was interested in how we learn our language so fast and visited with us a bit. It was a big deal

"On December 2, His Excellency Charles Ntwaagae, Ambassador to the United Nations for Botswana, visited the MTC.  As part of his tour of the MTC, we took him to your missionary’s classroom so he could see how missionaries learn a second language.  Ambassador Ntwaagae is in the attached photo on the first row, far left.  The gentleman on the far right of the first row is Rusty Butler, Vice-President of Utah Valley University."