

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mass Email Imnida!! - Oct. 25th.

It's funny because my first p-day I was like... I'm so sad, everybody has letters but me, woe is me!
Then after that email last week, everybody emailed me and I have more people writing me then all the other Elders in my district. You're letters are awesome. It makes me feel like I'm still here in Utah even if it is like some sort of Celestial property... I'm still an American and I'm still in my hometown Utah!!! I have to remind myself that haha.

You eat, you study, you speak Korean, you study, you participate in some member of the seventy's devotional, you study, you go to meetings, you study, and then you go to bed and get like 7 and a half hours of sleep and start over again... you walk and walk and walk and walk and study and study and study and study. I'm exhausted all the time and I have to remind myself that I'm on the Lord's errand so I can't afford to be exhausted, I need to continue to smile and show the light of Christ in my countenance and GET THE WORK DONE!

despite how I feel and who I want to be here.... I really am still imperfect wesley who needs to work on a lot of things. I need more diligence and reverence and focus and I pray for me to establish these christ-like attributes because i don't feel comfortable making this mission about me.
Before... my life was Wesley-centered.... and now, Being selfish.... is like not rewarding at all... it sucks. Being on a mission only makes you feel good if you serve and if you turn outward like Christ did and have charity. Everytime I make something about me.... it isn't fulfilling. I'm trying to need less and less and give more and more. It's hard for me. But that's all I do all day long every day. I still have 8 more weeks to get really really good at it. Hopefully I end up like someone a person would trust and listen to and love. 

Our district goal this week is reverence. It's our "Christ-like attribute" for last week.
All of you imagine me for a bit. I'm energetic, I love to sing and beat-box. I love to talk a lot. I am usually happy about a lot of things, ect.
Now imagine if all of 12 people in a district were exactly the same way. We got like 4 beat-boxers here. Everyone sings! We all talk so much (hence the goal for reverence). You can see why we were all called to seoul Korea. God wants that similar flavor for those people I guess.

There is little time for me to write, and i can only email on p-days.... every letter and package reminds me that I'm still a Utahn with people who know me as me and not as "Elder Buckwalter"
.... wait what? you're name is Wesley???.....
ya. Thanks for all the things that remind me of who I am. I love you guys.

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