

Monday, October 28, 2013

Life Lessons from Wesley

level 1 - Faith.
It's hoping for things which are not seen, which are true.
Faith is a desire to believe. It's putting enough trust in God and opening your heart with enough room to plant a seed that the spirit can work on. (Alma 32)

level 2 - Testimony
A testimony is knowledge, not faith. It's knowing with a sureness that Christ knows you, loves you, suffered for you and can help you through your pains and afflictions and sins. It's knowing that only by Him can you be successful or happy
Testimony is a level-up from faith. The seed of faith has begun to grow and the experiment has proven good because the roots burn in your bosom. The roots manifest goodness to your soul.
(Alma 32)

level 3 - Conversion
Now for conversion. The only way good fruit will spring from your new tree is if you live the principles you know are true and be baptized and renew your covenants continually through sacrament. You must be baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, and you must have faith and repentance continually with ENDURANCE TO THE END.
Bednar promises that you cannot fall away if you are truly converted through these principles and through charity.
(2Ne 31)

These are the three-levels of becoming a saint in the eyes of our Lord. (2ne 31:21) Nephi says, "there is none other way... whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God".

Think of my talk... study those two chapters and pray about it.... and then ponder as to why we need missionaries.

It's flippin awesome!!!!!

anyway. Love you all

-Elder Buckwalter

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